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English language courses

English language courses for professional and academic groups

We offer tailor-made English courses for professional and academic groups using the English expertise from our unit and collaborating with disciplines across the University.

English Language development for Korean teachersSome examples of recent programmes we have offered

English Language development for Korean teachers

For five years we provided month-long CPD courses for primary and secondary school English teachers from Korea. These courses provide language development opportunities, a forum for discussion, problem solving, good practice sharing and collaborative materials development. The bespoke course also includes local school visits and a lively cultural and social programme.

Arabic Business English language for Arabic business students

We recently worked with Kingston Business School to provide a course for second-year undergraduate Arabic business students which dealt with both English language and discipline-specific instruction.

Bespoke English course for Chinese research students

Chinese studentsWe have also delivered a bespoke English course for automotive engineering for a group of Chinese research students.

Find out more about our English language courses

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